George Bush Library and Museum, College Station, Texas

Brereton Hall, Cheshire, England

Law School, University of Michigan

Burton Tower, University of Michigan

Michigan League, University of Michigan

Hill Auditorium, University of Michigan

Angell Hall, University of Michigan

West Hall, University of Michigan

Michigan Stadium, University of Michigan

Michigan Stadium, University of Michigan

Michigan Union, University of Michigan

Rackham Building, University of Michigan

Medical Center / Hospital, University of Michigan

Hatcher Graduate Library, University of Michigan

Law Quadrangle, University of Michigan

Beaumont Tower, Michigan State University

"Sparty" and Spartan Stadium, Michigan State University

Alumni Memorial Chapel, Michigan State University

Guild of Carillonneurs in North America 60th Congress, UM Towers

Kerrytown Chime, Ann Arbor, Michigan

First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Original Medical School (1850), University of Michigan

Old Main Hospital (1920-1986), University of Michigan

"Sunrunner" Solar Car, University of Michigan
Copyright 1996-2011 Thomas C. Osburn. All rights reserved. No images may be copied, reproduced or reused in any way without written permission from Tom Osburn.